Full Stack Web Developer with a certificate from UC Berkeley Extension’s Full Stack Flex Full Time Program. I am familiar with Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, C++, Max/MSP/Jitter , React, Express.js, and Bootstrap 4 . I earned a bachelor’s degree in Math and Music from Kenyon College, where I integrated my knowledge of the two subjects with Max Cycling `74 to create algorithms that explore artificial intelligence, virtual instruments, and digital synthesis of the human voice. I worked as an audio technician at Kenyon, collaborating on a team of six to plan and execute complete audio environments for major department-sponsored performances. I am looking to implement my analytical strategy and creative design in a collaborative workplace.
A MERN stack application that uses Megvii's Face++ API to determine a user's celebrity look-alikes. Client images hosted on Amazon S3. Developed a back-end server that communicates with S3 via AWS SDK for Js and leverages Megvii's facial recognition to search through a Mongo database of almost 1000 celebrities. Integrated authentication using Passport's local strategy.
A full-stack song forum application built with React. Scrapes top chart data from rollingstone.com using Cheerio to parse markup and traverse the resulting data structure. Uses mongoose ODM to communicate with MongoDB.
A news forum application built in React with MVC architecture. Single handedly developed a complete user authentication system that uses a local strategy. JWTs transfer from a MySQL database with Sequelize. Also developed a backend that stores and calls user comments mapped to an article database.
A full-stack React application that uses Google Books API to search for user-queried books. User-selected books can be stored in a Mongo Database. Utilizes Mongoose ODM for database communication and Axios for a Node-based HTTP client.
A modularized application that uses Express.js routing methods to communicate with a MySQL database. The client pairing survey is built with Chosen jQuery. Built an algorithm that receives the survey results, comparing them with other user data to find the optimal pair.
Music has always been an way for me to express my creativity and ambition. I have been playing piano since I was seven years old. I developed a love for jazz music in middle school, and ended up playing in jazz ensembles for the next eleven years in a row. I was introduced to Logic Pro my freshman year of high school. The program allowed me to expand my horizons in music recording and production. It also gave me a newfound appreciation for electronic music. I went to Kenyon College on a music scholarship, where continued to pursue my performance and composition skills, taking courses such as Advanced Computer Music and Jazz Theory and Composition. It was there that I discovered my love for Max Cycling '74. I graduated from the department with distinction, and had the honor of performing my jazz composition Balmy for legendary Lincoln Jazz center director and virtuoso trumpeter Wynton Marsalis.
Swimming has been an outlet for my drive and commitment. I began swimming competitively when I was nine, and continued the sport through my collegiate career. I was recruited by Kenyon College after my performances on both the Acalanes High Swim Team and Terapins Swim Team. I was a NCAA All American at Kenyon, earning a multiple top-ten finishes at the NCAA Men's Division III Swimming and Diving Championships. I have been out of the pool the past year, but continue to pursue athletics through rowing and weightlifting.